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Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County (SKLLC) was chartered in 1995 with the purpose of protecting kids from their #1 killer – unintentional injuries.  The Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department serves as the lead agency. Member partners come from more than 40 public and private organizations. The coalition is comprised of six task forces that address priority injury areas including: child passenger safety, bike and pedestrian safety, sports injury prevention, fire and burn prevention, water safety and home safety.

While each task force has ongoing efforts, a recent project is aiming to reduce injuries within the home. Nationally more than 2,200 children die from injuries that happen at home every year. Causes of home injury can include choking, poisoning, drowning, scalds and burns, falls and unsafe sleeping practices. To address this issue locally, the SKLLC Home Safety Task Force partnered with Community Action in early 2023 to begin sharing home safety education and devices with participating families.


Understanding that most parents and caregivers perceive their childcare providers as trusted sources of information, educational resources and home safety device kits were given to Community Action Head Start staff to distribute to 185 participant families. The home safety kit included devices that can be used in most homes, i.e. cabinet locks, outlet covers, nightlights and toilet locks.

Visit Home - Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County – Nebraska to learn more about SKLLC and use the home safety checklist to eliminate safety hazards in every room of your home.