Year Round School Gardens
Tower Garden is a vertical, aeroponic growing system that can grow up to 20 vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers in less than three square feet, indoors or out.
Beyond the obvious health benefit derived from incorporating fresh produce into one’s diet, a 2016 study published in Preventative Medicine Reports found “robust evidence” for the positive effects of gardening on health saying gardening can “improve physical, psychological, and social health, which can, from a long-term perspective, alleviate and prevent various health issues facing today's society.” Another study showed a specific educational benefit - children who participated in gardening projects scored higher in science achievement than those who did not.
The indoor Tower Garden is being used in schools across the country to grow fresh vegetables all year round. The system plugs into an electrical source, using ultra-violet light, water and nutrients instead of dirt. In Lincoln, Brownell, Calvert, Campbell, Holmes, Randolph and Riley elementary schools currently or have utilized a Tower Garden in their school or after school programming to teach kids the science of growing as well as provide an opportunity to taste and cook fresh produce.
- Tower Garden Informational Brochure
- Tower Garden Checklist
- Informational Resource Links
- Tower Garden Lesson Plans

School gardens are a part of a sustainability strategy within Lincoln Public Schools that also includes composting, recycling, water and energy conservation. There are currently 27 outdoor school gardens within LPS, in addition to a number of tower gardens and Community Learning Center gardens. For resources and information about LPS school gardens and the sustainability program, visit their web site.